Conference Programme
Opening Keynote

Read More: Keynote Abstract & Anna Mazurkiewicz Bio
Closing Keynote
Read More: Keynote Abstract & Łukasz Szulc Bio
Panel Sessions
Read More: Panel Abstract & Information
Panel Overview
LDE GMD Institution Abbreviation
- LU - Leiden university
- TUD - TU Delft University of Technology | BK - Faculty of Architecture (TUD)
- EUR - Erasmus University Rotterdam | ESSB - Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Science ESHCC - Erasmus School of History, Culture, & Communication | ISS - International Institute of Social Studies
S1 Building Better Communities: Critical Perspectives and Collaborative Solutions for Inclusion and Liveability in the Netherlands
- Roel O. Lutkenhaus - New Momentum & Center for Digital Inclusion, U Twente
- Ludo Pfaff – New Momentum Rotterdam
- Lieke Galbraith - Stichting Mano
- Adel Al Baghdadi – Stichting Mano & We Organization
- Amanda Alencar – ESHCC, EUR
- Noemi Mena Montes – Department of Language & Communication, Radboud U
- Audrey Esteban –BK, TU
S2 Navigating Hegemonic Western Queer Discourses and Local Conceptualisations of Sexuality
- Andrew Shield – Institute for History, LU
- Jamel Buhari – Institute for History, LU
- Elias Tissandier-Nasom – Leiden Law School, LU
- Alex Huang – ESSB, EUR
S3 The Architecture of Migration Governance
- Negar Sanaan Bensi - Borders & Territories group, BK-TUD
- Marc Schoonderbeek - Borders & Territories group, BK-TUD
- Aleksandar Stanicic - Borders & Territories group, BK-TUD
- Zeynep Kasli -ISS, EUR
- Houry Jamkojian - BK, TUD
- Jessica Steinman - ESSB, EUR
- Stefan Gzyl - BK, TUD
- Dirim Dinçer, BK/TUD
- Aleksandar Stanicic - BK, TUD
- Jess Bier - ESSB, EUR
- Thea Hilhorst - ISS, EUR
S4 The Economic and Political Aspects of Migrant Integration in the Netherlands
- Olaf van Vliet - Department of Economics, LU
- Eduard Suari-Andreu - Department of Economics, LU
- Corné van Ree - Department of Economics, LU
- Bert van Sitphout-Kramer - Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis - CPB
- Katja van Hoorn - Ministry of Justice and Security
- Peter Scholten (discussant) - ESSB, EUR
S5 Unveiling Dutch Racism: A Panel Discussion on Colonialism, Migration, and (Anti)Racism
- Suzan Abozyid - Institute for History, LU
- Nadia Bouras - Institute for History, LU
- Karwan Fatah-Black - Institute for History, LU
- Eva van Gemert - ESSB/EUR & VU Amsterdam
- Hilda van Reeuwijk - from IDEM Rotterdam
S6 Changing the Narratives of Migration
- Simona Vezzoli - ISS, EUR- EUR
- Ingrid Mulder - Faculty of Human-Centered Design, TUD
- Nina Staal - IOM the Netherlands, Moving the Middle project
- Katharina Natter, LU, ‘Teaching Immigration in European Schools’ (TIES) project
- Matthijs van Dijk - Reframing Studio, TUD
- Ariele Empirio - Strategic social designer
- Riccardo Biggi - LU, Here to Support
S7 Diversifying loneliness
- Tineke Fokkema - EUR/Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW)
- Dimitra Dodou - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TUD
- Jenna Pfeifer - Mechanical Engineering, TUD
- Paul van Trigt - Institute for History, LU
S8 Evolving Discourses, Policies, and Practice: International Student Mobility in a Polarized Netherlands
- Maria Schiller - ESSB, EUR
- Özge Bilgili, ERCOMER - Utrecht University
- Bahar Sakizlioglu - Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), EUR
- Luke van de Wouw - ESSB, EUR
- Gian-Louis Hernandez - Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
- Christof van Mol - Tilburg University
S9 Situating the digital futures of migration in relation to the past and present
- Mirjam Twigt - Faculty of Humanities, LU
- Nanneke Winters - ISS, EUR
- Zeynep Kasli - ISS, EUR
- Jovan Pesalj - Faculty of Humanities, LU
- Sofia Boschat Thorez - Varia Rotterdam
S10 The Incorporation of Immigrants in the Welfare State: Socio-Historical and Experimental Evidence in and Beyond Europe
- Alexandre Afonso - Institute of Public Administration, LU
- Zeynep Balcioglu Tasma - Department of Economics, LU
- Thijs Lindner - ESSB, EUR
- Emily Anne Wolff - Institute of Public Administration, LU