By Anna-Lena Baumeister and Adriana Parejo Pagador (GMD students) In October, students of the Master Governance of Migration and Diversity (GMD) organised an…
In the beginning of November 2020 the Rotterdam municipality presented their plan 'Rotterdam against racism' to tackle racism. Peter Scholten, scientific…
"The distinctive feature of racism, is the denial of racism" In an article published by the Algemeen Dagblad, professor of Migration History Marlou Schrover…
3 shortcomings in the BLM debate In an article published by the Volkskrant, scientific director Peter Scholten points out three shortcomings in the Black Lives…
"Our centre supports BLM" During an interview by Jesse Voorn of the news and opinion media platform De Kanttekening, scientific director Peter Scholten…
(Updated 9 July 2020) LDE Centre GMD supports Black Lives Matter The recent Black Lives Matter protests in Europe in solidarity with those in the United States…
In his opinion article, managing director and assistant professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam Mark van Ostaijen argues that institutional racism must be…
In the (Dutch) opinion article, board member and associate professor of Urban Regeneration at the TU Delft Reinout Kleinhans discusses the relation of the COVID…