Maartje van der Woude is Professor of Law and Society at Leiden University and guest researcher at the Institute for International Comparative Criminology at the University of Montréal, Canada. In the past, she held visiting positions at the University of Oslo, UC Berkeley’s Centre for the Study of Law and Society, UC Hastings College of the Law, and the University of Maryland. Professor van der Woude holds a JD in Criminal Law, an MSc in Criminology (cum laude), and a Ph.D. in Criminal Law and Criminology from Leiden Law School.
Her work examines the politics and dialectics of terrorism/crime control, immigration control, and border control and the growing merger of all three also referred to as the process of crimmigration. Her research applies a multi-level perspective in which she approaches bordering practices from both a more macro – European/national – perspective as well as a more microlocal/individual - perspective. Her research project "Getting to the Core of Crimmigration" (2017 - 2022) is funded by the Dutch Science Council (NWO) by means of one of the competitive VIDI grants. In this project van der Woude focuses on the different ways in which local state and non-state actors use their powers and formal and informal rules and regulations to either resist or support European and national policies on the management of cross-border mobility. In unraveling these crimmigration practices, she addresses questions of exceptionalism, belonging, race, national identity, and sovereignty. Van der Woude has published her work extensively, in the form of books, book chapters, and both in national and international peer-reviewed journals such as Law and Social Inquiry, Theoretical Criminology, European Journal of Criminology, Policing and Society, the European Journal for Criminology and the New Criminal Law Review.
Van der Woude is a board member of the international Crimmigration Control International Net of Studies and associate director of the Oxford-based Border Criminologies network. Besides her academic tasks and duties, Van der Woude also acts as an honorary judge at the district criminal court of Southern Holland and as a member of the Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (ACVZ).