Lore Van Praag obtained a Master's and Ph.D. in Sociology at Ghent University. Over the years, she has gained a lot of research expertise by participating in interdisciplinary research projects (Belspo Migradapt, H2020 MICADO, H2020 PERCEPTIONS, H2020 COVINFORM, Erasmus+ ACCORD) and coordinating research projects, such as the Validiv project on multilingualism in primary schools in Flanders (SBO project), the RESL.Eu on Early School Leavers in Europe (FP7) and the ReIncluGen project (Horizon Europe). She taught several courses, including ‘Introduction Sociology’, ‘Introduction Anthropology’, ‘Interdisciplinary perspectives on migration and integration’, and ‘Sociology of education’. Between 2019-2022, she was the head of the Centre for Migration and Intercultural Studies (CeMIS) at the University of Antwerp.
Since 2022, she works as an Assistant Professor at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, where she works on social inequalities and diversity. Her past research project focused on gendered community effects on mental health outcomes and interethnic relations in schools, processes of tracking/streaming, discrimination, educational achievement, social support, early school leaving, educational policies, primary and secondary education, grounded theory, and ethnography. Currently, her research interests are mainly focused on environmental migration, migrant perspectives on climate adaptation, gender empowerment, and diversity. She published international and national articles in peer-reviewed journals and books.