Join LDE GMD’s new Seed funding Initiative! Get funding for migration and diversity-related research, events, and community projects that stimulate interdisciplinary research collaborations and interuniversity impact and engagement. The deadline for the 2024 seed fund proposal is May 1 2024.

Apply Now for the LDE GMD Seed Fund 2024

LDE GMD Seed Funding

WHY: LDE GMD Seed Funding

Are you looking for an opportunity to realize a great, innovative or creative idea? Then LDE GMD is looking for you! Because with the LDE GMD Seed Funding, we actively aim to stimulate:

  • Interuniversity and Interdisciplinary Research
  • Interuniversity and interdisciplinary Impact and Engagement

With this new infrastructure, we create a differentiated range of calls to which interuniversity and mixed-level teams could apply. This funding kickstarts new collaborations, LDE relationships, and team science. It could also involve conference funds, student traineeships, writing retreats, and masterclass funding opportunities, in addition to kick-starting research projects.

LDE GMD seed funding will create synergies and novel avenues within LDE. to stimulate early and mid-career researchers to get acquainted with LDE GMD, bring young scholars together and learn from interuniversity experiences.

WHAT: GMD Seed Funding Streams

To actively stimulate interuniversity research collaborations and interuniversity engagement, LDE GMD seed funding is targeted at three distinct lines of inquiry: 

1. LDE GMD research fund: Research teams can apply for research funding that needs support. This is related to for example developing and supporting the start-up phase of an interdisciplinary research project.

2. LDE GMD events fund: Individuals or teams can apply for co-funding to support the organization of symposia, events or research meetings. This fund could cover costs for travel, hotel and consumable expenses to attract internationally renowned speakers and support (PhD) research or education.

3. LDE GMD community fund: Individuals or teams can apply for co-funding to support LDE GMD community-building. This is mainly targeted at stimulating young scholars. This could, for example, involve support for (PhD/ MSc) students or early career researchers to organize activities (with a link to research, education or professional skills development) or to link up with NGOs or other organizations.

HOW: Conditions, Timeline, and Instuctions

General Conditions for LDE GMD Seed Funding:

  1. Initiatives must include collaborative ambition: Applications include at least two individuals affiliated with Leiden, Delft or Erasmus University with a substantial role (support is not intended for mono-university initiatives).
  2. Initiatives must include interdisciplinary teams: Applications need to include / or be embedded in interdisciplinary teams.
  3. Initiatives create LDE relevant outcomes: Applications include an idea of how the outcomes could (in)directly contribute to LDE GMD.
  4. Initiatives relate thematically to governance of migration and/or diversity and social inequalities: Applications relate thematically to the LDE GMD research agenda and explicate how the outcomes could (in)directly contribute to LDE GMD.


  • April 2024 - Call for participation
  • May 1st 2024 - Deadline for all 3 seed funds streams
  • May – June 2024 - Review by the Seed Fund Board (SFB) to decide on the allocation of the means
  • Before July 2024: Applicants receive feedback
  • September 2024 - Applications receive finances

Application instructions for applicants

  • Specify a clear idea in a maximum of 1000 words in the application form template (at the bottom of the page)
  • All academics (any career stage) can apply. However, LDE GMD particularly encourages early and mid-career academics to apply.
  • Each researcher can only apply once as the main applicant.
  • Eligible costs are targeted, for example, to bring stakeholders together to start research ideas, fund project management support, hire external expertise or invite scholars, build community, including students, student teams, or internships, outreach and communication, organize events or workshops, exhibits or performances, field trips and travel/ accommodation costs, and buy or hire materials or services.
  • Note: The funding available for per successful applications is indicated in the application form
  • For all grant structures, the deadline is 01-05-2024 
  • Successful applicants will be able to receive funding in fall 2024
  • Grants need to be spent within one year when received funding Teams can look for (additional) alternative funding resources and cannot rely on LDE GMD funding on a structural basis

Assessment of proposals

The Seed Fund Board (SFB) assesses proposals based on the extent to which they adhere to the general conditions listed above. All applications are involved in the assessment procedure. However, the main applicant can only apply once for one grant scheme. The LDE GMD Seed Funds Board and Academic Executive Board make the ultimate decision.


LDE GMD seed funds aim to select original ideas Funded projects, will take centre stage in LDE GMD's communication strategy. When an application receives funding, LDE GMD will support in  communication activities. LDE GMD communication will reach out to bring projects into the spotlight.