Asya Pisarevskaya is an Assistant Professor in the group ‘Dynamics of Migration and Diversity Policies’ at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Currently, she studies migration-related diversities and modes of governance in European cities. Her broader research interests lie in the realm of comparative migration and diversity studies, integration policies, and labour market participation of refugees. She has been co-leading the creation of the SprINg Evidence Repository for practitioners in the field of migrant integration (as part of the Horizon-2020 SprINg project). Asya is a lecturer and thesis supervisor in an international Master's Programme "Governance of Migration and Diversity". In the past, she was a project manager of the international Horizon 2020-funded project “CrossMigration” which resulted in the creation of a global online library of migration research During this project, she explored how migration studies have developed over time as a scientific field.
Dr. Pisarevskaya obtained her Ph.D. in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research at the University of Milan and Turin (Italy). Her dissertation investigated the role of policies in labour market integration of humanitarian migrants through a comparative study of seven European countries from 1990-2008.
Keywords: integration policies, labour market integration, comparative analysis, migration-related diversity, migration governance
Sleutelwoorden: integratiebeleid, arbeidsmarktintegratie, vergelijkende analyse, migratie gerelateerde diversiteit, bestuur van migratie