Following on from a productive pilot session in March 2021, the LDE GMD centre is pleased to announce that the LDE GMD Early Career Network wheels have been set in motion!
Since the meeting in March, a LinkedIn group, titled "LDE PostDoc and Ph.D. Workshop Group", was set up to provide an online community for members of the LDE PostDoc and Ph.D. workshop series. The online group hopes to be a place to ask questions, state thoughts, and connect with others in academia.
While the online community has been expanding, work has gone into establishing a series programme, which already outlines the main workshops to take place and curating the first workshop of the series. The first workshop, tentatively titled "How to deal with social media as a migration scholar", will be curated and led by dr. Nadia Bouras (Leiden University) on the 29th of October 2021, from 10 am to 12 pm. This event will be open to LDE GMD PhDs and PostDocs and the wider migration PhD/PostDoc community.
Do keep an eye out on our website and social media (LinkedIn and Twitter) for specific information about the first workshop.