We are back!
After a long hiatus, the LDE GMD Podcast series is BACK! We took the summer off to unwind and to also wave goodbye to our previous cohort.
This month we will be listening to the BBC's No Country for Young Women podcast series. We have been making a more conscious attempt to find content closer to home/Europe. The episode we will be listening to, titled 'White Women Privilege', will explore the very ways this group benefits from whiteness and how this whiteness can oftentimes be wielded harmfully.
Since it is now possible, we would love to host an in-person discussion session that allows us to dissect the podcast and discuss it with our peers. Details on the specific room this will happen in will be decided and communicated later.
The discussion session will take place on the 25th of November (14:00 - 15:00). Those interested in attending should send an email to ntinu@essb.eur.nl to book their spot. Listen to the podcast here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p08jchwz.