Diversity and Belonging at the Neighborhood Square. Simone Dis
Ethnic Diversity and Social Cohesion across Ethnic Groups in Rotterdam. Beer van Duuren
Towards an Antiracist Future: A qualitative investigation of the White racial identity of self-identified White antiracists living in the Netherlands and their antiracist child-rearing. Lieve Graaf
Racism in the Dutch Football Scene: The Public Outcry. Swelia Da Silva Antonio
Black struggles, white claims: on the controversies of Italian labour unions regarding migrant agricultural workers in Capitanata. Martina Stefanelli
To be Dutch is to be White: A qualitative research about how white and young Dutch people see their own Dutchness and who they consider to be included within this Dutchness. Romy Vermeer
One childhood Two directions: School Segregation on Migrant Children’s Education in urban China. Yijing Wang
"The impact of gentrification on belongingness to the neighbourhood in Rotterdam, Differences between various ethnic groups". Mo Zijlmans